Colorants fluorescents polymères SuperNova

SuperNova Polymer fluorescent dyes – a stellar new way to see dim populations

A stellar new way to see dim populations

SuperNova Dyes: Next generation Polymer Dyes

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences introduces next generation polymer dyes bringing cutting-edge science to clinical research. Supernova dyes are a novel range of polymer dyes that are brighter than conventional fluorochromes.

SuperNova conjugated antibodies not only deliver unique brightness for flow cytometry staining, but also generate limited non-specific staining through our proprietary formulation.

Figure 1. Absorption and emssion spectra λexc = 405 nm of SNv428, SNv605, SNv650, and SNv786 in PBS.

SuperNova v428

SuperNova v428 (SNv428), the first dye of the series, is optimally excited by the violet laser (405 nm) with an excitation maximum of 414 nm. It has an emission peak of 428 nm and can be detected using a 450/50 bandpass filter or equivalent. It is among the brightest dyes excitable by the violet laser, and is therefore particularly suited for the assessment of dimly expressed markers.

SuperNova v786

SuperNova v786 (SNv786) is a tandem polymer dye, derived from the core SNv428. Therefore both share the same absorbance characteristics, with a maximum excitation at 414 nm. With emission peaks at 786 nm, it is optimally detected using the 780/60 nm bandpass filters of the flow cytometer.

SuperNova v605

SuperNova v605 (SNv605) is a tandem polymer dye, derived from the core SNv428. Therefore both share the same absorbance characteristics, with a maximum excitation at 414 nm. With emission peaks at 605 nm, it is optimally detected using the 610/20 nm bandpass filters of the flow cytometer.

SuperNova v650

SuperNova v650 (SNv650) is a tandem polymer dye, derived from the core SNv428. Therefore both share the same absorbance characteristics, with a maximum excitation at 414 nm. With emission peaks at 646 nm, it is optimally detected using the 660/10 nm bandpass filters of the flow cytometer.

Explore our SuperNova conjugated antibodies

SuperNova v428, v605, v650 and v786 are also available through our LUCID Custom Design Services.

SuperNova tandem-dye technology

SN v428 is a Beckman proprietary bright polymer dye that can be activated with amine for tandem dyes, followed by maleimide activation for tandem conjugates. Rigidity of our polymer dye structure helps to reduce rotational energy leading to brighter emissions. This along with our exceptional manufacturing in proprietary formulations helps to achieve optimized FRET efficiency and increased stability.

Figure 2. SuperNova tandem dye technology.

Contact us to find out more about our SuperNova polymer dye conjugates.

For Research Use Only – Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Content and Resources

SuperNova Polymer Dyes Brochure A Stellar New Way to See Dim Populations
SuperNova v605 and v786 Next-generation Polymer Dyes SN v605 and v786 have their maximum excitation at 414 nm, and emission maxima at 605 nm and 786 nm respectively.
Comparison of anti-CD19 conjugates and performance of newly developed SuperNova polymer dyes This evaluation showed that the staining index comparison on 50 whole blood samples using SNv428 anti-CD19 conjugate was 134% higher on average than BV421.

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